Friday, 28 March 2014

                            Why I Want to Travel?
 Journey to a new place, for me, is like the best kind of love affair; where you learn a new language to express your love, where you seize who you are, who you’re in love with, where sometimes lose track of where you’re going but still carry on for the thrill and adventure, and where with every journey begins a love story, some classic, some great and some which last forever. For all you know, it doesn’t even matter if the story has been written before, because no two love stories can ever be the same.
Journey to a foreign land, for me, is like a quest for the unknown, where we travel in search of both self and anonymity. We battle between who we are and who we should be, where we are and where we should be. We travel to lose ourselves, and sometimes to find ourselves. As Pico Iyer sagely puts it, “What we find outside ourselves has to be inside ourselves for us to find it.”
So, when I ask myself, why do I want to see the world? Why is it essential to go to a place, and then why write about it later? My head says, “Because I want to examine different cultures, experience different lifestyles, explore different opportunities, and embrace different moments.” While my heart says, “Because I just want to try and find a piece of myself everywhere I go to put together one day.” I would say, a tourist is merely a person who complains, “It’s not the same as in my country.” Whereas a traveler claims, “It’s not the same anywhere I go.” Traveling is not a just a hobby or holiday, it’s a way of life. For this life I would travel everywhere, anywhere, sometimes again and sometimes even if it means falling in love over a 100 times

Monday, 3 March 2014




   In life one of the most incredible and beautiful feelings are the ones that we can see and that is smiling. In life I have learned to be positive and take things as it comes by. In the morning when I wake up, I look in the mirror and smile. When I smile I feel like my day is going to go well and it does. I know some people smile physically, but they are hurting on the inside and they try to hide their true feelings with smiling on the outside. I know sometimes smiling can be painful and nobody would know the hurt they are enduring. Trust me, it is normal and we all go through phases in life and things happen in our lives that we least expect, but nothing is as great as a smile. It is contagious and felt by many. It makes the public atmosphere a lot better. When I see someone smiling, and laughing it is something that I really enjoy. It makes the world beautiful, it makes everyone beautiful. A smile is one of the most beautiful things in the world.
Now in this fast paced world we live in with so much changed in the last 10-15 years sometimes people forget to smile and laugh because there is so much stress, work, school, cost of living is increasing, so many unfortunate things are happening in this world and there is a lot less time now for family and friends, leisure, outdoor, and activities and learning how to keep the balance and managing time and there aren’t enough hours in the day, but never forget to smile and spread good cheer to everyone around you. It is a beautiful thing to see. A smile is something that I really love to see. Do you smile everyday? Do you encourage others to smile when they are down ? What measures do you take to make someone else’s day? I barely see people smiling anymore when I am out and about in the public. When I go to a shopping mall, when I am out walking somewhere.
What positive thing do you do? What is your key to happiness, and to show positive emotions? Would love to hear from you. All the best to all and remember Keep smiling always. It’s a great thing. Make it part of your lifestyle and make it a habit

Sunday, 2 March 2014

 No Matter How or What Happens  people’s True Colours Always Come Out
In life, nothing is better than being honest with yourself and honest with other people who have trust in you and who have always believed in you. I truly believe that no matter how much you hide behind a curtain and no matter how it happens; people’s true colours always come out. No matter how it happens, it happens. I truly believe in that analogy. People can go years with hiding things from people, but no matter the outcome, it always comes out. So start being honest with yourself, start being honest with other people, and don’t try to hide who you really are. It is not good. I mean why hide yourself? Why hide your talents? I know some people can be shy and some people don’t want to share their true selves, but its something that gives us a sense of individuality, it gives us a time to shine with other people too. Why do this to yourself? Why prolong hiding, lying to others? Some people lie about their age, some people life about where they are from, some people lie about other things they do. Eventually it will come out. When people get suspicious of others, now there is the world of Google searching, there is the world of the internet. People are easily searched, and you’d be surprised on what you would find, and you would be shocked. I believe honesty goes a long way and that will build trust and that will be good for you and it will benefit you in the long run. So in the future if you think about hiding yourself from others, and who you really are, the colours come out, your lies come out, and so on and so forth.
I know some people feel the need to be in their own bubble, and not think about the consequences it may lead to, and people lose friends, people lose companionship, people won’t know what hit them. Actions speak louder than words in almost everything and people must take accountability, and responsibility for their own actions, but it depends on the situation you are in, but that should not matter. People always have a way of finding out and eventually play at their game. So be careful, be cautious, and live life without hiding. Show yourself, be honest, and you will see how people will appreciate you more and you will see how much it will change your life. It all starts with you and it all starts with how your portray yourself. All the best to you.