Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What does your coffee say about you?

Coffee is considered one of the favorite drinks across the nation but aside from providing the often needed early morning boost, the type of coffee a person likes to drink can also reveal a lot about his personality, says a study.

Clinical psychologist Ramani Durvasula analysed 1,000 coffee lovers and examined common personality styles and psychological traits, looking specifically at introversion and extroversion, patience, perfectionism, warmth, vigilance, sensitivity and social boldness,
In her results, Durvasula found that those with a penchant for black coffee are typically purist, no-nonsense individuals with a tendency to prefer the simple life, although they could also be abrupt, impatient and even averse to change.

In contrast, latte drinkers tended to be intent on pleasing others, but could also show slightly more neurotic attributes.

Cappuccino drinkers are usually "Perfectionist" and are perhaps the most high-demand personality. The research also says that such drinkers are very obsessive and controlling, overly sensitive, and health-conscious.

Instant coffee drinkers seemed to display more laid-back characteristics in the findings of her study however. Personality traits associated with this group included a predisposition to procrastinate and put off things that need doing.

Finally, those who preferred their coffee fix cold and sweet were considered socially bold "trend-setters" who could be reckless on occasion.