Friday, 21 February 2014

Out of everything I have been through in my life, and trying to make sense of who are my true friends or not and among everything else, It is a hard thing to for some to make sense of it all. In life you will encounter so many different types of people and you will meet all sorts of people, but not everyone will be your friend. You just talk to people, not knowing their name or where they come from. It happens in spontaneous moments when you’re out in public, when you are traveling and people in school, work, or other places. Some people come into your life for a few minutes, you will meet and talk to someone for an hour or half an hour or whatever the case maybe, and then you part your ways. It’s happened to me a lot and it is pretty cool that way too. You talk to someone and then you never see them again, but I remember once talking to someone at a coffee shop and then I saw that same person again 3 weeks later. We ended up coming in at the same time. I am a person who never forgets faces and who never forgets whom I have spoken with in person. She remembered me too. We had a few minutes conversation and that was it, and we parted our ways. We haven’t seen each other since, but maybe we will again. It is incredible how things happen in such a way where people who can relate to things end up meeting and talking, but then never really become friends. I love spontaneity and things that just happen without planning. I feel that is one of the best ways to go.
You sort of have a gut instinct in you when the time is right and when the person is right to make friends with them. People have this feeling all the time when a person is right to ask their name and have a friendship with them. It has happened to me I am on my travels somewhere, you automatically feel, that person is appealing and you take a look in someones eyes and you see fake or real, and when you can really understand each other and relate, that is the type of friends you need. When you can relate to each other and when you can be there for each other in good times and in the bad, when you can have many things in common, share each others feelings, confide into each other. It the best type of friendships to have. Not so much the quantity of friends, but the quality of the relationship you have with your best friend or your closest friends. Its one special thing you all have in common together that nobody else will really understand your inside jokes, your humorous personalities, your outlook on life, the common interests, and finding a solid foundation to build your trust among your friends. It is always a good idea to really analyze and to really get to know people before you really jump into friendships quickly. Give it time to become best friends, or very close friends.
The worst thing you can do to someone is replace them, and feeling replaced by others and tossed to the side. Some people find good friends for a year or 2 or 3, and then you become an old part of their life, so then they jump into new friendships and toss you like yesterdays newspaper in the recycling bin. That is how I feel sometimes and it is not a good feeling. Find someone who will be by your side to understand you and your feelings and who will stay friends with you forever and ever and not leave your side after a year to 3 years of friendship. It is a crummy thing you can do to someone and that is not a good trait. Unless that person is not who you thought you knew and if things happen that are not good, then that is okay, but when you know you have not done anything to hurt someone and when you know you haven’t ever said a mean thing to that person or people, and get shafted, it is not a good thing. People need to realize that doing this is not good.
Be faithful and loyal with friendship, that will strengthen yourself and good habits will always be remembered. Do yourself a favour and choose friends wisely who will go to the ends of the earth for you and then naturally people will help each other and everything will fall into place. Just believe and do it. All the best in everything.


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Some days are hard. Some days are frustrating. Some days you don’t feel like talking to anyone. Some days you want to dig yourself in silence. But most days there will be something or someone that will give you a reason to keep going and not loose hope. And that is the exact reason why you’ve got this far in life.
This is not exactly a motivational letter. It is an analysis report of your life. You might think that it was luck or coincidences in the past that have got you till here, but that’s not entirely true. But, here is a chance to make a better person out of yourself and a better life for the many days yet to come.
When you were a kid your mistakes were blamed on your immaturity, as a teenager your lessons were named hormonal changes, but as an adult your mistakes are your lessons. So, it’s always good to revise your previous chapters. To be thorough with the basics. They just help you understand the new ones better.
Begin each day with what you like doing the most, it makes the whole day better. I know that starting your day with a good workout brings life into you. Try and not to miss it. Also, make an effort to make someone smile in the morning. You’re your best self then. And end each day with a thankful heart even if the day wasn’t the way you expected it to turn out.
Most importantly be good to the people who’ve been good to you, for whatever reason they might have been. It will only fetch you good in return. I know you’re a good person; you’ve done well for yourself. Keeps it going. If you ever get stuck somewhere don’t worry cause every lock has a key to it and if doesn’t you can always break in.
So keep that smile on always. Take care.