Thursday, 20 February 2014

Some days are hard. Some days are frustrating. Some days you don’t feel like talking to anyone. Some days you want to dig yourself in silence. But most days there will be something or someone that will give you a reason to keep going and not loose hope. And that is the exact reason why you’ve got this far in life.
This is not exactly a motivational letter. It is an analysis report of your life. You might think that it was luck or coincidences in the past that have got you till here, but that’s not entirely true. But, here is a chance to make a better person out of yourself and a better life for the many days yet to come.
When you were a kid your mistakes were blamed on your immaturity, as a teenager your lessons were named hormonal changes, but as an adult your mistakes are your lessons. So, it’s always good to revise your previous chapters. To be thorough with the basics. They just help you understand the new ones better.
Begin each day with what you like doing the most, it makes the whole day better. I know that starting your day with a good workout brings life into you. Try and not to miss it. Also, make an effort to make someone smile in the morning. You’re your best self then. And end each day with a thankful heart even if the day wasn’t the way you expected it to turn out.
Most importantly be good to the people who’ve been good to you, for whatever reason they might have been. It will only fetch you good in return. I know you’re a good person; you’ve done well for yourself. Keeps it going. If you ever get stuck somewhere don’t worry cause every lock has a key to it and if doesn’t you can always break in.
So keep that smile on always. Take care.

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