Friday 10 August 2012

Goodness in what you have

 Happiness is being where you want to be and doing what you want to be doing. As such, happiness requires nothing more than an adjustment in your attitude.
Wherever you may be, can quickly and easily be where you want to be. Whatever you’re doing, can immediately be what you want to be doing.
You’ll never be happy by wishing for what you don’t have. You can always be happy by accepting and seeing the goodness in what you do have.
It’s essential to have dreams and goals for the future, yet your dreams will not make you happy in the present. In fact, it is your happiness that will bring the reality of your dreams into the present.
What you have is what you have, so make the very most of it. Be happy, be thankful, and you’ll be living at your highest level of effectiveness.
See the goodness and the value in your very own experience of here and now. Be happy now, and in your happiness you’ll find and fulfill the best of who you are.

Live your blessings

It is good to reflect upon thankful thoughts. It is even better to continually put thankfulness into action.

The way to be truly and fully thankful for what you have is to put it to use. Abundance grows more abundant when it is exercised.
Life’s great and wonderful blessings are not for hoarding. They are for living.
What’s important is not how much or how little you have. What’s important is what you do with it.
You won’t find richness in the objects of your desire. True richness comes in the living, dynamic expression and fulfillment of those desires.
Be genuinely thankful for your good fortune by applying that good fortune in an authentic, purposeful direction. Make good use of life’s goodness, and there is no limit to how valuable it can grow.

                                              Keeping Faith

Liberating his grip, he watches it fall away; watches the petite granules of time flow away with the wind, sees them getting caught here and there, everywhere but him.

He is loosing her, feels her crumbling away...and the harder he holds on, the more it flakes off!

Blinded by fate’s sharp turns, he was left alone, with nothing to think, nothing to loose, nothing to feel, but her unattainable presence.

he walked along the path clueless, not knowing where to go, not knowing what to do, what to look ahead to and what to wish! It’s a trail leading him through the graveyard of his memories, and he walks wordlessly.

no one knows the storm inside
no one knows the battles he fight
no one knows its he, who was left behind

It had all come back, what he forever wanted had returned to him, what he wanted to hear was finally heard by him, what he wanted to see was finally seen by him, but he lied there feeling less! Not knowing how to answer...! he is so used to being lonely, so used to the cruel feelings, that the storm which used to once come roaring in, had pacified itself, and dwelled with him silently.
Just an illusion, that's what he thinks he is, and thinks he can just fade away... ebb noiselessly, and unobserved!

He forgets that life is not in his hands, the book of his providence is with someone better, more trust-able, more immortal. It is someone who has already written his lifeline, and has preserved it in a cover, its someone who wants good for him,

he has to realize that life will go its own way, and no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we fight, we wont win our way, we are too small to combat life,

He has to realize, that what will happen, will happen for the best, and that we have to have faith.

He has to realize, that when God gives us something to hold onto, we should never embrace it too tight, because when He asks for it back, it becomes hard to let go

He has to realize that there's a difference between, hope and expectations.  

He has to hope for the best, but expect the worst :)

He has to have faith,he has to believe.

                      Riding a seesaw of life...

Isn't it amazing, how that one person can mean so much, the way the same person, who makes you cry the most, could make you laugh the hardest too...!

Isnt it weird, how we can smile so much, when the others are so sad

ever wondered how when one person dies, another arrives

ever realized the way there is a day and a night

the way there's heaven and hell!

the way things end, but always with a beginning...

the way there is life and death

..devils and angels 

...tears and smiles...

ever considered how the summer is always replaced by the winter, and the sun always by the moon!

how some people have a thousand enemies, but then have that one friend, who  is worth those thousands.

we are living at a delicate balance, its not always about reaching the sky, but sometimes, we gotta look down, and realize that, we can get tired of flying one day...

life is like a seesaw, you got to balance it right, or else you will end up crashing down :)

A whole new day of life :) :)

It is a rare and wonderful privilege just to be able to experience this moment. Make whatever you do fully worthy of all you have.
You have the considerable good fortune of being immersed in a sea of positive possibilities. Realize how useless and ridiculous it is to complain about what is, when you have the power to choose what to do.
Sure, there is sadness and disappointment, pain, uncertainty and great challenge in your world. Yet you have the opportunity to transcend it all with love and life, with purpose and passion.
Especially when it feels like you have it bad, remind yourself how truly good you have it. Then do something good and valuable and meaningful and beautiful with what you have.
Express gratitude for your good fortune not merely in words, but in the way you live. Make full, positive and consequential use of each moment as you move through it.
Whatever this day brings you, it also brings you a whole new day of life. Choose to make joyful and worthy use of every precious moment.